7 Reasons to Consider Print for Your ‘Non-Traditional’ Content Strategy

Nowadays, a “non-traditional” marketing method involves print. It’s fascinating to think that we’ve arrived at a point where digital is no longer a new environment but a traditional one. In just a couple of decades, humanity adopted the online virtual world with enormous aspirations. It seemed like nothing else mattered. Information was flowing rapidly through digital platforms, and people almost forgot about print for some time. After the initial craze was over, slowly but surely, society started to return to print. Understandably so, there are just some features of a fine paper that are irresistible. Here are some reasons why you should consider printing your content strategy.

Consumers find print more pleasurable than digital content

ETC Print Creative Manager of Sappi North America, Daniel Dejan, sponsored a neuroscientist research paper about monitor fatigue. The study showed that people reach a point of saturation due to digital information overload. When this psychological symptom happens, even young people return to printed materials.

Not only do people come back to print, but they find it more pleasurable. A survey from 2017 showed that 73% of shoppers preferred reading a physical book or magazine than consuming information from electronics. More interestingly, 71% of consumers felt that printed materials deliver a more profound understanding than their digital counterparts regarding the news.

Both studies indicate that a whopping segment of the population favors print over digital. Such a conclusion is somewhat confusing as we see people using electronic devices 24/7. How come they prefer print over digital when they’re glued to their devices non-stop? It’s almost like people are “forced” to stare at computer screens, but that in the end, they’d read a book instead. In any case, general trends say one thing, but the verdict seems unanimous: people would rather consume info through print. 

The printing industry is global and has competitive prices

There are printing companies worldwide at much lower prices than before. Thirty years ago, the printing price was through the roof. They had the monopoly, and the actual service cost was almost always the asking price. Well, not anymore. Today, prices have gone down because of the digital competition that shares the market. Printing firms are more prone to negotiations and price assessment than before.  

More so, modern technology allows for greater capacity, which in the end, means lower prices. Larger industrial production frequently entitles lowering fees to stay competitive. 

The moment’s perfect for business as market research indicate quality improvements and cost reductions in the printing industry. That’s good news for print buyers and consumers.  

Printing locally via cloud networking is versatile and cheaper

Companies around the world can save money and help the environment through cloud server printing. The technology allows global firms to connect with local printing enterprises and fulfill orders in a short amount of time.

Local printing means there’s no transport involved. It saves money, time, and pollution. Usually, the order is ready in a matter of days, directly in the target region or near-by for an easy pick-up. The company can drop by and collect the order or hire a local distribution firm to do it for them. In any case, the method saves a lot of time and resources.

Cloud printing transforms an age-old industry into an agile and adaptable business market. Combined with correct post-event recycling strategies, cloud-printing is the way of an eco-friendly tomorrow.

Products and services are better perceived when packaged 

Design packaging is one of the most crucial factors in influencing customer behavior. It’s the first way of communicating with the buyer. Brands use this last focus point to exalt the product/service. It’s also a method to deliver stickers, postcards, and other extras.

The packaging is full of opportunities to add value. Customers will appreciate protective shipping features, innovative designs, thoughtful messages, and so on. It’s up for the brand to seize creative opportunities and strengthen the bond with the customer.

Virtually every business should consider developing a boxing strategy, even online ventures. Print allows infinite advantages when it comes to packaging, such as:

  • Setting a good first impression
  • Attracting through aesthetics
  • Sparking emotions into viewers 
  • Anticipating customer’s expectations
  • Reassuring client’s immediate needs 

Considering that 70% of customers decide while in-store, having a package that stands out on the shelf is a valuable asset. The packaging is useful not only to increase the chances of a sale but to thank for a closed deal and encourage the next one.    

Customization and personalization of print is top-tier

Custom-made items are desirable features in today’s market. Around 80% of shoppers prefer companies that offer a personalized touch. It’s what makes us feel special in the age of social media ad clutter and mass spam, where everything and everyone looks the same. Receiving a small physical consideration with your name on it is a thousandfold more valuable than a generic message on a computer screen – people like to be acknowledged.

Modern-day printing technology makes the industry responsive and flexible. The personalization possibilities are unmatched. For instance, custom-made direct mail postcards are excellent instruments to increase customer loyalty after a purchase. Providing value even after a done deal proves that you’re willing to take care of your customer for the long-run. You can also insert short surveys, calls to action, and other material to develop your business strategy further. A successful personalized approach conveys familiarity and appreciation. The seller-buyer bond tightens and paves the way for future purchases. 

Marketing through print can provide unique advantages

Online is great, but print marketing has its unique upsides when talking about consumer psychology and behavior. Not to mention that smaller population segments may not have access to the digital realm. So any offers regarding seniors, for example, may produce better results on printed material. Other pros include:

  • Credibility

Publications that include quality content on superior print develop credibility easier. Advertisers can then leverage the authority of the magazine to associate themselves with the periodical. Often called the “halo effect,” this strategy generates organic leads and sales, but only possible through print.

  • “Influentials”

People that sway other customers into buying are called “influentials.” Surveys found that half of these individuals were impressed by print ads and newspapers into recommending it further down the line.

Companies specialized in writing services were once entirely dependent on the printing industry. Nowadays, they’ve switched online but haven’t abandoned the importance of print.

For example, do my assignment writing firm is a company that’s exclusively online. Nonetheless, they send college guides and publications for their online customers. According to one of their extensive surveys, almost half of the recipients talked about the company to their classmates. 

  • Attention Span

Print readers are more focused than digital users. Important tasks require a bigger attention span, and print is by far the better alternative. Print readers are less inclined to multitask and get distracted by pop-ups.  

  • Unplugging

After hours connected to several devices, people need to relax and unwind. What better way to take a load off than reading a good book or magazine? 

Drastically reduce audience development costs

Modern publication practices can avoid audience development costs by designing a subscription plan anchored online.

For instance, old-school publishers used to call readers to re-confirm their subscriptions. Let’s presume that it costs $2 per year to get in touch with a subscriber. A magazine with half a million subscribers would have to put aside $1 million a year for audience development costs.

Online marketers could devise an e-mail subscription plan that would cost a fraction of a conventional audience development budget.  Businesses should consider print for their “non-traditional” content strategy mainly because people still find print attractive. Global printing prices are affordable, and people perceive packaging as added value. Even more, cloud technology allows local printing and reduces pollution. Lastly, audience development costs lower due to online subscription plans and other hybrid marketing practices.


Jessica Chapman is an essay writer from Chicago who’s specialized in sports, politics, and traveling. She’s been working on her latest e-book and started a college counseling group for her home state. After work, Jessica enjoys long walks with her husband and playing frisbee with her dog. 

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